
Wednesday 3 May 2023


“The Five Love Languages “

Should You Read This Book? Would It be of any help in your life?

"The Five Love Languages" is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman, a marriage counselor and relationship expert. This book is a practical guide to understanding the five love languages and how they can help you communicate effectively with your partner. The book is divided into many sections. The main sections are  "The Love Languages", "Discovering Your Love Language" and "Love is a Choice".

In this review, we will explore the key themes of the book, interesting quotes and lessons that can be learned from this book.

Section 1 The Love Languages

This section of the book explores the concept of love languages. Dr. Chapman argues that everyone has a primary love language that they use to communicate love to others.

He identifies five love languages:

1.     Words of Affirmation

This love language is all about expressing love through verbal affirmations. People with this love language appreciate compliments, words of encouragement, and love notes.

2.     Quality Time

 This love language is all about spending time together.

People with this love language appreciate undivided attention, quality conversation, and shared experiences.

3.     Receiving Gifts

 This love language is all about giving and receiving gifts.

People with this love language appreciate thoughtful gifts that show love and affection.

4.     Acts of Service

 This love language is all about doing things for others.

People with this love language appreciate acts of kindness and service, such as cooking dinner, doing the laundry, or helping with a project.

5.     Physical Touch

 This love language is all about physical touch.

People with this love language appreciate hugs, kisses, and other forms of physical affection.

Dr. Chapman argues that understanding your partner's love language is essential for a healthy relationship. He explains that many couples struggle because they are speaking different love languages. For example, if one partner speaks the love language of acts of service and the other partner speaks the love language of quality time, they may feel like their partner doesn't love them because they are not spending enough time together, while the other partner may feel like they are doing everything they can to show love by doing things for their partner.

Interesting Quote: "We must be willing to learn our spouse's primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of love." - Dr. Gary Chapman

Section 2 Discovering Your Love Language

This section of the book focuses on helping readers discover their own love language. Dr. Chapman provides a quiz that readers can take to determine their primary love language. The quiz consists of questions that ask readers to choose between two statements that best describe how they feel loved. Dr. Chapman explains that understanding your own love language is essential for communicating your needs to your partner. He also emphasizes that people's love languages can change over time, and that it is important to be aware of these changes.

Interesting Quote: "Love is the most important word in the English language - and the most confusing." - Dr. Gary Chapman

Section 3 Love is a Choice

The section of the book focuses on the idea that love is a choice. Dr. Chapman argues that love is not just a feeling, but a choice that we make every day. He explains that choosing to love your partner involves actively working to communicate love in their love language.Dr. Chapman also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in a relationship. He explains that forgiving your partner when they hurt you is essential for building a healthy relationship.

Interesting Quote: "Forgiveness is not a feeling; it's a commitment." - Dr. Gary Chapman

Lessons Learned from "The Five Love Languages"

1.     Communication is key in a relationship.

 Understanding your partner's love language is essential for effective communication and a healthy relationship.

2.     Love is not just a feeling, but a choice.

 It requires effort and intentional action to communicate love to your partner in a way that they can understand.

3.     People have different ways of expressing and receiving love.

Recognizing and respecting these differences can help build stronger relationships.

4.     Forgiveness is essential in a relationship.

Holding onto grudges and resentment can damage a relationship and prevent healing.

5.     Love languages can change over time.

It's important to be aware of your partner's changing love language and adapt your actions accordingly.

6.     The importance of quality time in a relationship.

Spending time together, undistracted and with meaningful conversation can help build intimacy and strengthen a relationship.

7.     The importance of physical touch in a relationship.

Physical touch can help build emotional connection and communicate love in a powerful way.


"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is a practical guide to understanding the different ways people communicate and receive love. The book provides valuable insights into how to build and maintain healthy relationships by communicating love effectively in your partner's love language. The lessons learned from this book can be applied not just to romantic relationships, but also to relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to build stronger and more meaningful relationships in their lives.


Friday 28 April 2023


"Ziglar on Selling" is a book written by Zig Ziglar, a renowned author and motivational speaker. The book is designed to help salespeople improve their skills and increase their sales by focusing on the fundamentals of selling. Ziglar draws on his own experience as a successful salesperson and trainer to provide practical advice and inspiring stories.

One of the strengths of the book is Ziglar's emphasis on integrity and ethical behavior in sales. In a world where salespeople are often seen as pushy and dishonest, Ziglar's approach is refreshing and much-needed. He provides examples of how salespeople can maintain their integrity while still achieving their sales goals, and emphasizes the importance of building long-term relationships with customers based on trust and value.

Another strength of the book is its practicality. Ziglar provides a step-by-step guide to each stage of the selling process, with clear and actionable advice. Whether you're a seasoned salesperson or just starting out, you'll find plenty of useful tips and strategies in this book.

The book is divided into three main sections.

The first section covers the foundations of selling, including the importance of attitude, goal-setting, and self-discipline. Ziglar emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude in sales, stating that "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." He also stresses the need for salespeople to set specific, measurable goals and to develop the self-discipline necessary to achieve them.

The second section of the book covers the mechanics of selling, including prospecting, presenting, closing, and handling objections. Ziglar provides a step-by-step guide to each stage of the selling process, with practical tips and examples. He also emphasizes the importance of building relationships with customers, stating that "If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you."

The final section of the book covers advanced selling techniques, such as upselling, cross-selling, and referral selling. Ziglar provides examples of how these techniques can be used effectively and emphasizes the importance of adding value to the customer's experience. Throughout the book, Ziglar emphasizes the importance of integrity and ethical behavior in sales. He states that "You don't have to be unethical to be successful in sales" and provides examples of how salespeople can maintain their integrity while still achieving their sales goals.


Lessons You Can Learnt from the Book “Ziglar On Selling’’

Lesson 1 Attitude is key:

Ziglar emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude in sales. Salespeople must believe in themselves and their product or service, and approach each interaction with a can-do attitude.

Lesson 2 Set goals:

Ziglar stresses the importance of setting specific, measurable goals and developing the self-discipline necessary to achieve them. Salespeople must have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and be willing to put in the work to make it happen.

Lesson 3 Build relationships

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of building relationships with customers. Salespeople must focus on understanding the customer's needs and providing value, rather than simply trying to make a sale.

Lesson 4 Sell with integrity

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior in sales. Salespeople must be honest and transparent in their dealings with customers, and must focus on providing real value rather than simply trying to make a quick sale.

Lesson 5 Learn from failure

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of learning from failure.  Salespeople must be willing to take risks and try new approaches, even if they don't always succeed. By learning from their failures, salespeople can improve their skills and achieve greater success in the long run.

Overall, "Ziglar on Selling" is a highly recommended book for anyone looking to improve their sales skills. Ziglar's engaging writing style, practical advice, and emphasis on integrity make this book a valuable resource for anyone in sales or business.

Wednesday 26 April 2023


7 Reason Why You Should Read “You Can Win” by Shiv Khera.

"You Can Win" is a self-help book by Shiv Khera that was first published in 1998. The book is aimed at individuals who want to achieve success in their personal and professional lives. The book's central message is that anyone can achieve success if they have the right mindset and take the necessary steps to achieve their goals. The book is divided into various chapters, with each chapter focusing on a different aspect of success.

Interesting Quotes from the book


"Winners don't do different things, they do things differently."


"Success is not an accident. It is a choice."


"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."


"The greatest asset in life is not wealth, but attitude."


Life Lessons:

Lesson 1 The Power of Positive Thinking

One of the main messages of the book is the importance of having a positive mindset. According to Khera, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and if we want to achieve success, we need to think positively. He emphasizes the importance of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and maintaining a positive attitude, even in challenging situations.

Lesson 2 Take Responsibility for Your Life


 Another key lesson from the book is the importance of taking responsibility for our lives. Khera argues that successful people don't blame others for their problems but take ownership of their actions and decisions.

He emphasizes the need to set goals, develop a plan of action, and take consistent steps towards achieving them.


Lesson 3 Continuous Learning and Improvement


Khera emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and improvement.

He argues that successful people are always seeking new knowledge and skills to improve their performance. He encourages readers to read books, attend seminars, and seek out mentors to learn from.


Lesson 4 Persistence and Resilience


Khera emphasizes the importance of persistence and resilience in achieving success.

He argues that setbacks and failures are inevitable but that successful people don't give up. Instead, they use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.


Lesson 5 Discipline and Time Management


Khera emphasizes the importance of discipline and time management in achieving success. He argues that successful people are disciplined and prioritize their time effectively.

He encourages readers to develop daily routines and habits that support their goals and to eliminate distractions that waste time.


Lesson 6 Build Strong Relationships


Another key lesson from the book is the importance of building strong relationships.

Khera argues that success is not achieved alone but through the support of others.

He encourages readers to build strong relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and mentors.


Lesson 7 Give Back to Society


Khera emphasizes the importance of giving back to society. He argues that successful people have a responsibility to use their success to make a positive impact on the world.

He encourages readers to engage in philanthropic activities and to use their skills and resources to help others.


Overall, "You Can Win" is an inspiring and motivational book that provides readers with practical advice and strategies for achieving success in their personal and professional lives. The book's central message is that anyone can achieve success if they have the right mindset and take the necessary steps to achieve their goals. The book is well-written and easy to read.


Sunday 23 April 2023


7 Great Reasons Why You Should Read “The Zahir” by Paulo Coelho.

Paulo Coelho's "The Zahir" is a thought-provoking and inspiring novel that explores the themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. The story follows the journey of a successful writer, who goes on a quest to find his missing wife, and in the process, discovers the true meaning of love and life.

The novel begins with the introduction of the protagonist, a famous writer who enjoys the perks of his success, including fame, fortune, and a beautiful wife named Esther. However, the writer's life takes an unexpected turn when Esther leaves him without any explanation or warning. The writer is devastated by her disappearance and becomes obsessed with finding her.The writer's journey to find Esther takes him on a spiritual and emotional quest, where he encounters different people and situations that challenge his beliefs and perceptions about life.

 He meets Mikhail, a Russian businessman, who introduces him to the concept of the "Zahir," a term used in Islamic mysticism to describe the search for one's true self.As the writer travels through different cities and countries, he realizes that his search for Esther is more than just a physical one. He begins to question his own identity and the meaning of his life.

The writer's journey takes him to Kazakhstan, where he meets a group of Sufi mystics who teach him about the power of love and the importance of living in the present moment.

The novel's themes of love, loss, and self-discovery are interwoven throughout the story, and Coelho's writing style is both lyrical and engaging. His use of symbolism and metaphors creates a dream-like quality that adds to the book's overall philosophical nature. The author's exploration of Islamic mysticism and Sufi teachings provides a unique perspective on spirituality that is both insightful and thought-provoking.

One of the book's most significant themes is the search for true love. Throughout the novel, the writer struggles to come to terms with his feelings for Esther and the reasons for her disappearance. He discovers that true love is not possessive or controlling but is instead about letting go and allowing the other person to be who they are. Coelho's portrayal of love as a transformative force that can change people's lives is both inspiring and moving.

Another important theme in the book is the idea of self-discovery. The writer's journey to find Esther becomes a journey of self-discovery, where he learns to confront his own fears and insecurities.

He realizes that his search for Esther is, in fact, a search for his true self. Coelho's exploration of the concept of the Zahir and the importance of finding one's true self is both illuminating and inspiring.

The novel's pacing is slow and deliberate, which allows the reader to immerse themselves in the story fully. Coelho's descriptions of the various locations and cultures the writer encounters are vivid and evocative, creating a sense of place that adds depth to the book's themes. The author's use of short chapters and concise prose adds to the novel's readability and makes it an excellent choice for those looking for a quick and engaging read.

Lessons that you can learnt from the book

Lesson 1 Love is a transformative force

"Love is not a habit, a commitment, or a debt. It isn't what romantic songs tell us it is - love simply is." This quote from "The Zahir" highlights the transformative power of love.

Love has the ability to change people's lives and bring them closer to their true selves.

 It is not a habit or a commitment, but a force that simply is.


Lesson 2 The importance of letting go

"If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control. Drop everything else but that. Because if you can't learn to master your thinking, you're in deep trouble forever." This quote emphasizes the importance of letting go of control and focusing on mastering our own minds. We cannot control everything in our lives, but we can control how we think and react to situations.


Lesson 3 Embrace uncertainty

"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back." This quote reminds us that life is full of uncertainty, and we must embrace it rather than resist it. Challenges will come our way, and we must be willing to face them with courage and a willingness to change.


Lesson 4 Forgiveness is key to moving forward

 "When we forgive, we free ourselves from the bitter ties that bind us to the one who hurt us." This quote highlights the importance of forgiveness in moving forward from past hurt and pain. Forgiveness frees us from the bitterness and resentment that can hold us back and allows us to move forward with a clear mind and heart.


Lesson 5 Self-discovery is a lifelong journey

"The search for happiness is not about looking at life through rose-colored glasses. It is about understanding the underlying realities of life and living it in a more meaningful way." This quote reminds us that self-discovery is a lifelong journey that involves understanding the realities of life and living it in a more meaningful way. It is not about finding happiness through superficial means but through a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


Lesson 6 Embrace the present moment

"The present moment is all we have, and we must make the most of it." This quote emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of what we have. We cannot change the past or predict the future, but we can live fully in the present moment and appreciate all that it has to offer.


Lesson 7 Find meaning in your life

"Everyone, when they are young, knows what their destiny is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny." This quote highlights the importance of finding meaning in our lives and pursuing our dreams. As we grow older, it can be easy to lose sight of our dreams and become convinced that they are impossible to achieve. However, we must remember that our destiny is within our reach and that anything is possible if we are willing to pursue it.


In conclusion, "The Zahir" is a thought-provoking and inspiring novel that explores the themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Coelho's writing style is both lyrical and engaging, and his exploration of Islamic mysticism and Sufi teachings provides a unique perspective on spirituality. The novel's themes of love and self-discovery are universal and will resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. Overall, "The Zahir" is a must-read for anyone looking for a thought-provoking and inspiring novel.




Tuesday 18 April 2023

Business Stripped Bare : A review & business lessons you can learn


5 Business Lesson you can learn from “Business Stripped Bare’’ by Richard Branson.

"Business Stripped Bare" is a book written by Sir Richard Branson, the billionaire founder of Virgin Group. In this book, Branson shares his personal insights and experiences about entrepreneurship and the ups and downs of running a business.The book is a combination of memoir, business advice, and inspiring anecdotes that will motivate and educate anyone interested in entrepreneurship.

Overview of the Book

The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of business. Branson begins by sharing his own story, from his early days as a student entrepreneur to his first business venture - a magazine called "Student." He then goes on to discuss his experiences with starting and running various businesses, including Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic, and Virgin Mobile. Along the way, he provides readers with valuable lessons he learned, including the importance of taking risks, being innovative, and being prepared to fail.

One of the key themes in the book is the importance of having a strong company culture. Branson believes that a company's culture is one of the most important factors in its success, and he has built the Virgin Group around this principle. He encourages entrepreneurs to create a culture that is fun, supportive, and values creativity.

Another theme in the book is the importance of branding. Branson is a master at branding, and he shares his secrets to creating a successful brand. He stresses the importance of being authentic, differentiating yourself from your competitors, and staying true to your values.

Interesting Quotes from the Book

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming."

"Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital, so that you can do more of it and move forward with it."

"Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to."

"Your company should act as a springboard for ambitious employees, not a set of shackles."

"Engage your emotions at work. Your instincts and emotions are there to help you."

Five Lessons You Can Learn from the Book:

Lesson 1 Take Risks

Branson is a big believer in taking risks. He has built his career on taking bold and often risky moves, such as launching an airline during a recession or attempting to break world records. Branson believes that taking risks is essential for success, and he encourages entrepreneurs to embrace risk-taking and learn to deal with failure.

Lesson 2 Focus on Company Culture

Branson believes that a strong company culture is essential for success. He believes that employees should feel valued, supported, and encouraged to be creative. Branson has created a culture of fun and creativity at Virgin, and he encourages entrepreneurs to do the same in their own businesses.

Lesson 3 Be Authentic

Branson is a big believer in being authentic. He believes that authenticity is key to building a successful brand and gaining the trust of customers. Branson encourages entrepreneurs to stay true to their values and be themselves, rather than trying to be something they're not.

Lesson 4 Embrace Failure

Branson believes that failure is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. He has experienced numerous failures throughout his career, but he believes that each failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Branson encourages entrepreneurs to embrace failure and learn from their mistakes.

Lesson 5 Stay Innovative

Branson is a big believer in innovation. He believes that staying innovative is essential for staying ahead of the competition and keeping customers engaged. Branson encourages entrepreneurs to always be thinking about new and innovative ways to improve their products and services.


"Business Stripped Bare" is a fascinating and inspiring book that provides valuable insights into the mind of one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs. Branson's personal stories and anecdotes are both entertaining and educational, and his advice is practical and actionable.