
Wednesday 8 August 2012


Every human being in the world has problem. A person may have a problem with his son, another may have problem with his colleagues while others may have trouble with his job. Some of these men will collapse under the problem, many will try to sulk problem and the rest will reach their best with this problem. What is the main difference between these men? It is in the way a person perceive and way he deals with these issues that differentiate between a successful person and an average person. Problems are God given opportunities for us to shine. This is one of the message that this book propagates.
TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST, BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO is an extraordinary books written by Robert H Schuller. He is a televangelist, pastor, a motivational leader, and writer. His television program 'The Hour of Power' is one of the most widely viewed programmes in the USA. He has bestowed upon mankind some of the exceptional books like Living Positively One Day At A Time (1986), Success Is Never Ending, Failure Is Never Final (1990), Life's Not Fair, But God Is Good (1991), etc. He is also the founder Crystal Cathedral. You can expect only the best from such a man.
TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST, BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO is a seminal work of the author. It has a tinge of autobiographical element in it. It contains the story of the author's chilhood. It deals with the hardship that he had faced during those time. You will wonder at how he got over his unsurmountable odd. You will realize that it is  due to his faith in God that he had surmounted the unsurmountable problems of his life. He employs examples very sparingly unlike other motivational writer. But he is able to get his point across to the reader very easily. That is a unparagoned quality of Mr. Schuller. He also utilizes the help of story to emphasized his point. Stories like that of potatoes, the wiseman story are the point in case. He also included three wonderfully inspirational poetries. You cann't help yourself but to get inspire from these poems. Prominent among the poems is the poesy DON'T QUIT. You have to read this poem.
A person may be sufferings from a problem. He thinks that he is the only one that is having that. At that time he may give up on life. However, this book will help you realized that everyone has a problem. The problem only differs from person to person. Not only this it also explain the way to put your problem in a proper perspective, the way to manage your problem has been dealt in detail in this book. It also narrates the awe inspiring life history of Henry Ford, Benno Fisher. When you had gone through their life history then you will envisioned that they had succeeded inspite of the problems. The last chapter describes the letter of the English alphabets into action words. In short, it is a book that deals with problems and the opportunities that comes with it.
I will rate it 7 out of 10.
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