
Monday 29 October 2012


    Why do we respect or admire great and wonderful people? It may be because of their simplicity, or maybe due to their accomplishments, or due to their courage and conviction in their dreams. All this qualities of great and wonderful people are embeded in A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM. He is the 11th President of India. He is the recipeint of India's highest civilian award, The Bharat Ratna, and numerous other awards. He is also the writer of many inspirational and educative bestsellers like WINGS OF FIRE, INDIA 2020, etc. He is often described as a statement, poet and scientist.
    TURNING POINTS  is the latest book gifted to us by A.PJ. ABDUL KALAM.  It is a sequel to Wings of Fire. WINGS OF FIRE  is a bestseller. It is an inspiring book. Just like the WINGS OF FIRE, TURNING POINTS is also a motivational book. It belongs to the category of non-fiction/Autobiograhy. It contains 14 highly informative, educative, insightful and encouraging chapters. It also includes an interview of the authors.
    The books opens with the Chapter titled WHEN CAN I SING A SONG FOR INDIA? The chapter begins on the day he end his term as President of India. It also describe the various events that happens that very day. Morevover, at the end of this chapter, you can find his awe inspiring mission of his life. The second chapter details the events leading upto his nomination as President of India. You will wonder at his clarity of thoughts and decision making capability of him.
    The priority he placed to academic life can be realised from the third Chapter(SEVEN TURNING POINTS OF MY LIFE). You will also find the 7 main events that shaped his life. Moreover, a beautiful and encouraging epithet with the titled "COURAGE" can also be found. In THE INTERACTIVE PRESIDENT, glimpses of his initiative during his tenure as President of India can be seen. His e-governance initiatives, his interaction with MPs and MLAs, Creation of National Litigation Pendency Clearance Mission, his journey at Kumar post at Siachen glacier, sortie at Sukhoi, are tacitly described. He is truly an Interaqctive and unique President.
    A powerful question is ask in the fifth chapter. The question is what can I give to the nation. His answer to the question is really mind blowing (You should read it to know what his answer is ). Moreover, his concept of ENERGY INDEPENDENCE AND NATION PROSPERITY INDEX can be realised in this chapter. In LEARNING FROM OTHERS, you will find the events that shaped his value system. The person that he admired. What does the Development of villages means has been succintly define in the chapter11. His Controversial Decisions are also included in this books.
    At the end I will suggest everyone to read this book. You will gain a new insight to a wonderful person.
    I will give it 8/10.
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