
Friday 6 November 2015

Review of "A Survival Guide for life"


Price: Rs. 499
Publisher: Rupa Publication India Pvt. Ltd.

Life is an adventure. Like an adventure life has its fair share up and down. Just like an adventure, it involves conquering the unsurmountable mountain, crossing the dark and deep forest, swimming across the seven seas and reaching out to the unknown. But at the end of the life what matter is the process not the destination. It is not the monetary gain that ultimately counts but the experience we have got, relationship we have built, dreams we have pursued and we have lead our life that is important. All these things can be gained when we read the book SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR LIFE.
Written by the renown television personality Bear Grylls of the widely watched survival guide series" MAN VS WILD". He is a adventurer, writer and scout by choice. He is also the author of many books like Facing Up, Facing the Frozen Ocean, With Love, Papa and Mud, Sweat and Tears. I wonder how he manege to do (go on an adventure, saving the people and write books) all the things. He is indeed a super human.
The book open with a short but appropriate lesson titled "HAVE A DREAM". As you go through you will understand why he is performing all the things that seems impossible to be done by one man yet he does it. This is because he HAS A DREAM. I don't what his dream is/are but I surely know that he has a dream. Further, you will find many interesting as well as useful tip of how to live a life. You will a chapter aptly named "DREAM REQUIRE SACRIFICE" which say everything about its contents.You will wonder how Mr. Grylls have achieved so much in life yet remain humble. The secret you will uncover in the Chapter "HUMILITY IS EVERYTHING." Besides this lots of other interesting and useful tip on building a team, the importance of having a great relationship with your loved one, parents, family, and friends. A wonderful book to read and to act upon the teaching. One thing is certain if you act upon the wisdom contain in this thesis your life will become much better.
What makes this book is unique that most of the Chapter is precise yet very meaningful. Most of the Chapter are of only two pages, so that you can read it any time and get the pearl of wisdom from a man who have live his life to the fullest.
I will rate it as a very readable book.  

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