
Thursday 24 March 2016

Review of "The Thinking Life"

Genre :Non-fiction/Personality Development
Publisher         :St. Martin's Griffin
Price :Rs. 299 (Paperback)
Rating :Must read

"To live in the world of creation--To get into it and stay in it-- to frequent it and haunt it--to think intensely and fruitfully-- to woo combinations and inspirations into being by a depth and continuity of attention and meditation-- this is the only thing..."
The above line is the sum and substance of the stupendous book written by P. C. Forni. He is profeesor at Johns Hopkins University. Besides this book, he has written CHOOSING CIVILITY and THE CIVILITY SOLUTION. 
The book is structured into 12 Chapters beginning with the introduction titled THINKING SERIOUSLY ABOUT SERIOUS THINKING. It opens up to the next chapter WHY YOU DON'T THINK AND WHY YOU SHOULD THINK. This chapter gives us the idea why we lack concentration and the consequences of not concentrating enough. It shows us a frightening consequences of not concentrating enough. The main culprit for decreased in focus being the internet. The book not only discusses the problem but it also offers solutions as to how to find the time to think. A whole chapter (FINDING THE TIME TO THINK) is dedicated to the topic. We, the people of present era, tend to do many things at mediocre level. The book,however, prescribes to do few things and do them well, speak only when necessary. Human beings as a whole dread work, however, if we practised what has been preached in this book regarding WORK AND LIFE BALANCE then our life must be much happier and more fulifilled. He describes the stage as BUSILY AT PEACE. IF LIFE IS VALUIABLE, IT ONLY MAKES SENSE TO ATTEND TO IT CONSTANTLY. In chapter 11 (MANAGING ADVERSITY), you will be open to the truth about suffering that it is not part of life but the fabric of life. These many others eternal truth about life and how to live a life has been doctrined in this wonderful book. 
If you are serious about your life then this is the book for you. Go ahead, read and lead a thinking, purposeful and meaningful life.     

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