
Friday 28 April 2023


"Ziglar on Selling" is a book written by Zig Ziglar, a renowned author and motivational speaker. The book is designed to help salespeople improve their skills and increase their sales by focusing on the fundamentals of selling. Ziglar draws on his own experience as a successful salesperson and trainer to provide practical advice and inspiring stories.

One of the strengths of the book is Ziglar's emphasis on integrity and ethical behavior in sales. In a world where salespeople are often seen as pushy and dishonest, Ziglar's approach is refreshing and much-needed. He provides examples of how salespeople can maintain their integrity while still achieving their sales goals, and emphasizes the importance of building long-term relationships with customers based on trust and value.

Another strength of the book is its practicality. Ziglar provides a step-by-step guide to each stage of the selling process, with clear and actionable advice. Whether you're a seasoned salesperson or just starting out, you'll find plenty of useful tips and strategies in this book.

The book is divided into three main sections.

The first section covers the foundations of selling, including the importance of attitude, goal-setting, and self-discipline. Ziglar emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude in sales, stating that "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." He also stresses the need for salespeople to set specific, measurable goals and to develop the self-discipline necessary to achieve them.

The second section of the book covers the mechanics of selling, including prospecting, presenting, closing, and handling objections. Ziglar provides a step-by-step guide to each stage of the selling process, with practical tips and examples. He also emphasizes the importance of building relationships with customers, stating that "If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you."

The final section of the book covers advanced selling techniques, such as upselling, cross-selling, and referral selling. Ziglar provides examples of how these techniques can be used effectively and emphasizes the importance of adding value to the customer's experience. Throughout the book, Ziglar emphasizes the importance of integrity and ethical behavior in sales. He states that "You don't have to be unethical to be successful in sales" and provides examples of how salespeople can maintain their integrity while still achieving their sales goals.


Lessons You Can Learnt from the Book “Ziglar On Selling’’

Lesson 1 Attitude is key:

Ziglar emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude in sales. Salespeople must believe in themselves and their product or service, and approach each interaction with a can-do attitude.

Lesson 2 Set goals:

Ziglar stresses the importance of setting specific, measurable goals and developing the self-discipline necessary to achieve them. Salespeople must have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and be willing to put in the work to make it happen.

Lesson 3 Build relationships

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of building relationships with customers. Salespeople must focus on understanding the customer's needs and providing value, rather than simply trying to make a sale.

Lesson 4 Sell with integrity

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior in sales. Salespeople must be honest and transparent in their dealings with customers, and must focus on providing real value rather than simply trying to make a quick sale.

Lesson 5 Learn from failure

 Ziglar emphasizes the importance of learning from failure.  Salespeople must be willing to take risks and try new approaches, even if they don't always succeed. By learning from their failures, salespeople can improve their skills and achieve greater success in the long run.

Overall, "Ziglar on Selling" is a highly recommended book for anyone looking to improve their sales skills. Ziglar's engaging writing style, practical advice, and emphasis on integrity make this book a valuable resource for anyone in sales or business.

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