
Thursday 7 April 2011

my gratitude

Hi everybody,
This is my first blog and I hope that this will be the beginning of a long, exciting, joyful and fruitful  journey. Through this blogs I want to share  you the things/evente/persons that have shaped my opinion, influence my way of thinking, the way I live my life and the persons who makes my life much happier.
First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty God for giving me the priceless 24 hours daily without fail and not asking me anything in return since the day I came to this wonderful place called the EARTH. He is my only refuge.  He is responsible in making my life a fulfilled and  exciting adventure. I am thankful as well as grateful to God for giving me everything that I need. I offer my humble obeisance to God. All glory to God.
Next I will thank my parents for they give me birth. Not only they gives me birth, they have instill in me a sense of sacrifice, teaches me the meaning of unconditional love and being compassionate. May they live a happy, long and eternally blissful life. 
I am thankful to my sweet brothers who are a well of compassion and understanding. I will thank my sister-in-law for being there whenever I need her. thank you. i will thank my aunty for being so kind and helpful to me. 
Then I will thanks all my friends who have made this journey called life  more comfortable, exciting and blissful one. They are there always for me. You are all special to me. Just to name  name a few. My colleague and my brother , Sandip Sukla Baidya, for teaching me how to face life trouble without a wince, Anuj Kumar Das, how to be jolly, Huidrom Rajalangam, the confidence necessary to face life, Hajarimayum Momo Sharma, the ulility of empathy and compassion, Pukharambam Gorman Singh, the trait of being faithful, Gurumayum Gopeshwor Sharma, the passion to success and lots more they have influenced me much.
I will like to thank my guru( although he doesn’t like to be called Guru but still have to,as he is my guru of Life), ROBIN SHARMA, the author of the book’ THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI’  although I haven’t met him yet. It is due to him that I am writing this blog, it is due to his relentless passion that many lifes are changing for the better. I so thankful to you ,Sir Robin Sharma, that I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you. I wish you very happy life and may you continue to change the life of all the people.
I admire and always be thankful to my late brother, Ngagom Pritam Singh aka Imo(as I lovingly use to called him). It is said that God is in need of Good person as much as we the Human do. Although your journey has been very short but you have touched the life of many. He was a man who have soothed the life of many  drug abuses, alcoholics, and socially downtrodden people. He was a wise man who have returned to the heavenly abode. I wish his stay there a happy and a joyful one. You will continue to live on through your love, your teachings, and your principle.
Last but certainly not the least, I am grateful to my brother, Shri Amrit Kumar Chetia(a  man who lived by the principle of Mahatma Gandhi and Subhas Chandra Bose). He has given me the courage to face this life courageously. A very practical man, wise in the ways of the world, a very knowledgeable man, a very forgiving person who instructed me to carry the world on the shoulder for the person who request me. He is the one who preaches as well as  practices the principles of ‘Forgive and Forget’. A Father to two heavenly kids,  husband to a wonderful wife, son to outstanding parents, saviours to all who are needy and a friend to all the people of the world. Actually He is my brother, my Hero and a living saints.

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