
Friday 24 June 2011

values that can be learnt from the book" for one more day"

Hats off to Mitch Albom, the writer of bestselling books like Tuesday with Morrie, Five People you will meet in Heaven, etc. Well today let me share with you the things that I have learnt from the book titled ‘’FOR ONE MORE DAY’ by the great Mitch Albom.
Actually it has opened my eyes to the fact that my mother (parents) undergoes a lot of trouble in bringing me up. I love my parents. This book really reinforces that feeling in me. In this book the author has written
‘I don’t know what it is about food that your mother makes for you, especially when it’s something anyone can make’
How true these lines are. Although anyone can prepare any dish but there is something about the dish that our mother prepares. Isn’t it so ?
The book also makes me recollect the times that my mother stood for me. I feel I am really special and very fortunate for it. Further, I felt ashamed for the fact that there were times when I didn’t stand for my mother when I should have. Sorry, mom for that. But what to do? I am just a stubborn, naughty child for you. But I know you will always forgive me like the way you always do.
 The author has made me opened my eyes how important our life is to our parent by the following lines
“Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted.”
Well I have that feeling of burden sometime. But after going through the book a realisation come to me that I was really, really wanted by my parents. This makes me proud. It makes me feel that I am a very special person in this world.
“Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.” Nobody can deny this universal fact. We can choose to leave our family when the time is tough and establish a new family. But it is the people who chooses to stick with the family when the time is tough makes it a happy family. Imagine, what if my father have walk out because he think that bringing me up is a real challenge. What would have happen to me? Thank you, mom and dad for not walking out on me and staying there even when I have done those things which may have make your lives very tough.
The following lines of the book are a paean to the mothers of the world:-
“I saw in her expression that old, unshakeable mountain of concern. And I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”
Lastly  will quote a line from the book
”When death takes your mother, it steals that word foreover”. So I suggest to all the children of the world who loves their parents but did not show her, it is the time to show them the love.
So, everybody who feels that your parents haven’t done anything for you, you must go through this book. And to everyone this book is a must read.
Well, I am grateful to my parents. I love them. Love you mama, love baba and love you chacha. Thank you for all the things that you have done for me.
Thank you Mitch Albom for opening my eyes to the fact that if you have your parents with you then you are the luckiest person on this universe.

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