
Friday 16 March 2012

Review of "THE FOUNTAINHEAD" BY Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead is a superb novel written by Ayn Rand. It was first published in 1943. It is one of the four novels written by Ayn Rand. You will see the unique capability of Ayn Rand to dribble with words. The novel is  wonderfully written. Although the novel seems a bit long you won’t feel the lengthiness as you read it. You will be charmed by the magic of Ayn Rand. You will thoroughly enjoy the book.
     The Fountainhead is a story of a person, Howard Roark who knows what he is doing. He loves his works and is hated by everyone. But he does bear any grudge against anybody. He is made to suffer because he dared to be different from others. The beauty of the novel lies in the fact that you will endure the same pain whenever Howard Roark suffers.

     The Fountainhead means the origin or the source. Well it is a source of inspiration, entertainment, deep mooring as well as beauty. The book can hold anyone who loves to read a great and philosophical book. Moreover it is one of those novels that has deep insight. You will find wise sayings like
     “The greatness of weariness is it own relief.’’
“When facing society, the man most concerned, the man who is to do the most and contribute the most, has the least say.”
     The novel is about Howard Roark (the creator), Peter Keating (second hand), Dominique ( the picture of beauty as well as sacrifice), Ellsworth Toohey ( the main plotter) and above all Gail Wynand ( the power monger). The novel is structured into four parts. The first part deals with the rise of Peter Keating as the prominent architect. The second part contains the story of Ellswoth Toohey. The third part is about Gail Waynand. He is a media magnate. The fourth part deals with the main protagonist Howard Roark. The whole novel seems to revolve around him. He is the architect who had suffered throughout the novel. The subject matter of the novel can be said to be the fall of Howard Roark except the last few pages of the novel.
              The theme of the novel is not of the architecture but of the human nature. It describes the various types of the characters in the novel. Howard Roark stands for greatness among human beings. The devotion to his work, his uncompromising integrity, his ability to help those people who have wronged him are his quality. In Peter Keating we can recognise the basic human necessity of approval by others. He is a portrayal of hypocrite. He is one who can’t stand alone. He needs the help of other people to stand. “Actually he is the parasite who borrows”. Gail Wynand and Toohey characterize the power hungry people. Every character of the novel has the quality of someone you know in your day to day life.
     Not only is the characterization appropriate but the style of the novel is breathtaking. There is a flow in the novel. Every character adds to the completeness of the novel. Every part has its own importance. Every word adjuncts to the brilliance of the novel.
     Moreover, the novel has some of the greatest truth like
“Personal luxury is a limited endeavour. What they want is ostentation: to show, to stun, to entertain, to impress other.”
“Don’t allow man to be happy. Happiness is self contained and self sufficient. Happy men have no time and no use for you. Happy men are free.”
     These are some of the thought provoking lines that you will find in this amazing novel.
     She also used paradoxes that give the desired effect to the novel. Some examples of paradoxes employed in this book are:-
“ Whenever a new compulsion is imposed on us, we automatically gain a new freedom. The two are inseparable.
“He say nobody should be allowed to build anything anywhere until every inhabitant of the globe has a roof over his head....”

Ayn Rand the author has written a wonderful book in all sense. It is a captivating as well as entertaining novel. Although written a long time ago its style, its theme, the truth that this novel has, make it relevant, thought provoking, and a very entertaining one. The novel is one of those that you must  read without fail. Indeed, A great novel.
I will give it 8 out of 10. 

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