
Tuesday 5 June 2012


There is an old adage"Failure is the pillar of success". This saying has stand the test of time. But when we go through tough time, we often tend to disbelieve the saying. Well,  the successful person tend to plod on even when the times are unfavourable and tough. This trait of success separate them from the losers or the average man. This is the gist of the book "Failing Forward".
It is witten by John C. Maxwell. He is a pastor, a leadership guru, a bestselling author, and moreover a giver of inspiration to many who have lost hope. He is also the founder of the Injoy Group, an organisation dedicated to helping people maximize their personal and leadership potential. You can get only the best possible products from such a multi faceted personality. Indeed the book "Failing Forward" is such an exceptionally well written book. He has also penned plenary books like The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.
There are legion of qualities that make "failing Forward" an avant grade work. First the subject matter of the book is on failure. There are few books which has failure as its subject. Second, it deals with a serious topic in such a delightful way that you feel awe at the abilty of the writer. You will feel delight as you pull along the book. Third, it is a treasure trove of wise saying like "I'm probably a much happier person now having gone through what I've gone through. I have a different set of priorities. you never know who you are and what you are until you've really been tested. You gain a whole lot more from having failure kicked up from around yours ears than success could ever teach you."  Or " Failrue is good. It's fertilizer. Everything I've learned about coaching I've learned from making mistakes". Fourth, it is replete with wise epithet. One epithet that I like the most is:-
"Finalize your goal.
Order your plans
Risk failing by taking action.
Welcome mistakes.
Advance based on your character.
Reevaluate your progress continually.
Develop new strategies to succeed."

Almost all the citizens of the world wants to succeed. But few are successful. The main difference between a winner and a loser is the perception of and response to failure. The succeesful person has gone through a lot of failure before they  became what they are. This, we can know from the story contains in the books. Famous personalities like Mary Kay, Roger Crawford, Amelia Earhart, George Fandel, etc. have gone through a lot of disappoinment before they were succeessful. You will begin to look at failure from different perspective after reading this book. Moreover, there very new concept like Peter Principle and Murphy LAw. You will be introduce to a whole new concept of training for failure. So,it is one of those book that you can't help yourself but being inspired after you read this book. I will rate it 8 out of 10.

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