
Monday 11 July 2011

Review of “HOPE FOR THE FLOWER” by Trina Paulus.

Trina Paulus, the author, is an environmentalist. And Rightly so the characters in the book are the caterpillars. The caterpillars may be an insignificant insect to an average human beings. But to an environmentalist like herself caterpillars are very important in the larger schemes of life.
        The caption of the book (a tale partly about life, partly about revolution and lots about hope for adults and others) says it all. In short, this is a self help book. It is about two caterpillars christened STRIPE and YELLOW. The story is simple yet has a very powerful message. The message is if you want to fly then dare to be different.
        Now the USP of the book.The book is beautifully illustrated with colourful pictures. So the children will simply love the book for the lovely pictures. The mature adults will love it for the message that the book conveys. The biggest merit of this book is that it is very short. Anybody will simply enjoy it for its simplicity and terseness.
It is a parable. The two caterpillars are the human beings. One of them, Stripe chooses the easy and popular way of following the crowd without knowing what lies ahead in life. He doesn’t know what he wants from life. however, Yellow tries the odd one where there is lots of difficulty, self doubt. Yellow has the courage to be different from others. It has to go through the difficult phase of realising his potential. In the novel it is depicted as a cocoon stage.  It, then,  becomes the beautiful butterfly with attractive yellow shade which eats the sweet, delicious nectar and fly freely from delicate flower to flower.
So, it is a must read for everyone for adults, and others including the caterpillars who know how to read. 

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