
Monday 1 August 2011

The Path of Prosperity by James Allen

Hi everyone 
        I have finished another wonderful book from a great writer of the 19th century, James Allen. Well he is the writer of many philosophical as well as inspirational books like  As a man thinketh, the Mastery of Destiny, etc. His books are philosophical inclined and The Path of Prosperity is no different.
        The Book “The Path of Prosperity is a thin one. It has 106 pages. So it is a relatively small book. However, don’t be deceived by the thickness or rather the thinness of this book as it is a life changing book. It contains principle if we follows could alter our life for the betterment.
        It has seven chapters beginning with the Chapter titled “the Lesson of Evil” and ending with the title” The realization of Prosperity’. It is a step by step process of realization of prosperity.
        It emphasises the importance of our thinking pattern. This is shown by the sentence:-
        “All that we are is the result of what we have thought”.
It also underlines the fact that we see the world not as it is but the way we are by the lines
“Where ordinary mind sees disaster and confusion, the mind of the philosopher sees the most perfect sequence of cause and effect”
The book advises us to think great thought like all the master of the worlds have done before him. The book has several great quotation like “ The good natured and charitable who rejoice at the good fortune of others, scarcely know what envy means and he who realized the divine within himself recognises it in all beings,”
It is one of those great motivational, self improvement book. It has a powerful message that is if you think good noble , pure thought then your life will be a happy and eternally blissful one. That is the message the author wants to convey.
Well let me share with you the great things about this book. First, it is a very thin one. So if you are an avid reader then you can complete it in one go. Even if you are not that a reader then you will finish it in 2 or 3 sittings.
Second, the words used are very simple just as most of the motivational books are. So, anyone who knows English can enjoy it.
Third, the message is powerful. If you want to have a happy and blissful life then think pure thought, noble aspiration, unselfish love and freedom from vainglory.
Four, it is a philosophical yet a very practical book. The principle outlines in this book can be applied in our day to day life.
Five, I would say that it is a book that teaches us how to live a life. I am still learning how to live my life. And this book has taught me great lesson on how to enjoy my life.
So, I like to say that those who want to change their life for the betterment, who are unhappy with their life and even those who are happy with their life must read this book atleast twice and apply the principles in their dealings
I will end with a line from the book
“taking the first step with good thought second with a good word and third with a good deed, I entered Paradise”.

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