
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Review of the book “The greatest mystery in the world” written by Og Mandino.

The Greatest Mystery in the world has been written by Og Mandino, an American writer, better known for his best seller book “The greatest salesman in the world” and “The University of Success”. After going through this book you will realise how much books have been read by Og Mandino in his lifetime. However, it is warned not to be deceived by the title of this book. It is not a book dealing with ghost story or trying to reveal the unnatural phenomena of the world. This is just a wonderful book that contains the wisdoms of how to live our life blissfully, happily, successfully and a fulfilled life.
        The first page of the book contains the quote:-
  “How our earth was created and hangs suspended in space or how our minds and bodies repeatedly perform their daily miraculous function is most difficult to comprehend but the greatest mystery still confronting mankind is that despite all the tools that God provided, both mental and physical, so much of humanity continues to stumble along the rocky paths of failure and sorrow, poverty and despair.” This line gives the hints of the theme of this book.
        The story of the book revolves round the protagonist, his wife and a mysterious man christened Simon Potter. The main core of the book is the note written by the late Simon Potter to the protagonist. The note is divided into 8 chapters. Each chapter contains the wisdom from erstwhile writers of yesteryear. The chapters and its teaching are listed below:-
         First Rung of Life’s Ladder” forms the first teaching of Simon Potter to the protagonist. This chapter contains the wise sayings of Orison Swett Marden. It mainly deals with opportunity for success. It contains the lines like “Many of us who thinks we are poor are actually rich in opportunities, if we can only see them”.
 “There is a power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant to discover it”
        Second Rung of Life Ladder, the second chapter, begins with the line “Most people do not face life in the right way.” So, you have guessed it right it deals with the importance of attitude in our life. It also says that success is always achieved by those who try and keep trying.
        Third Rung of Life’s Ladder refers to the teaching of Arnold Bennett. His main teaching is how to live 24 hours a day and every day of your life. The chapter emphasises upon the importance of time by referring to it as the inexplicable raw material of everything.
        The Creed of All Conquering Chief written by Albert Lewis Pelton is the theme of the Fourth Rung Of Life’s Ladder. Here in this Chapter Unconquerable Will is defined as self declared refusal to yield an inch to the external forces which seek to thwart progress.
        The Power of Experience is described in details in the Fifth Rung Of Life’s Ladder which forms the sixth chapter. It has wonderful and powerful lines like “Nothing comes from nothing” “Practice is the prelude to the song of victory”.
        The Sixth Rung Of Life’s Ladder deals with the wisdom of James Allen book AS A MAN THINKETH. This chapter reinforces the importance of what and how one thinks about his or her success. One wise line from this chapter is “I am the master of thought, the moulder of character and the maker and shaper of my condition, my environment and my destiny.”
        The Seventh Rung Of Life’s Ladder begin with the quote” I wish to be simple, honest, natural, frank, clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected, ready to say I do not know , if it be so, to meet all others on all absolute equality, to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unafraid and unabashed.”
        I don’t think I need to say anymore than that.
        The Very Top Of Life’s Ladder is the story of “Happy Prince” written by Oscar Wilde. Every time I read this story it makes me realised the importance of giving without expecting anything in return. Indeed it is a nice way of ending the lessons.
        Thus, this book is also one of the self help book. But the main difference of the book with other books is that it contains the wise idea of many profound thinkers. Moreover it is so well structured book that you can realise the change in thought and behaviour pattern as you progress from one rung of life’s ladder to the higher rung of life’s ladder. Further, The language is simple and lucid. The book is so interesting that you can read it at one sitting but my suggestion is that you should apply each lesson in your day to day life before you proceed to the next lesson.
        Thus, it is a book essential to keep in your library as it will be useful to you, your spouse, your parents, for children and others too. 

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